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Same Meaning 1
Anybody who flies abroad a lot will probably have interesting stamps and visas in their passport.

Same Meaning 1

This 11-Plus Verbal Reasoning Same Meaning quiz tests you on similar words.

English has a rich supply of words that do the same job as one another, or very nearly. When writing or speaking English, it's a very good idea to use different words. For instance look at the following two examples:

  • Today we went to the park. The nice ice-cream man gave us two nice chocolate lollies. The weather was nice. Then we went home. It was a nice day.
  • Today we visited the park. The friendly ice-cream man gave us two delicious chocolate lollies. The weather was glorious. Then we returned home. It was a smashing day.

As you will see, the second example is far more interesting to read than the first. In each of the following sentences you will find a word in CAPITALS and you need to select the answer which offers a word with the same, or nearest, meaning.

1 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
Anybody who FLIES abroad a lot will probably have interesting stamps and visas in their passport.
The outer two Answers are obviously related to a different sense of 'flies' (i.e. insects that buzz around, and broadly similar creatures); 'goes' is adequate but perhaps rather broad and vague; 'travels' (Answer 2) carries the better sense of organisation and purpose
2 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
People like my aunt are managing to maintain a STABLE level of business, even when times are tough.
She may well be running a riding establishment, but it is the steady income ('the bottom line') that's important. If the business is profitable as well, so much the better; but it may just be more or less 'jogging along' financially
3 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
The picnic will be ruined if you try to JAM all the sandwiches into that tiny space in the basket.
'Put' is quite close to the sense, but 'squeeze' is closest to the meaning of the original. Squashed sandwiches are nothing like as good as unsquashed ones, at least for most of us!
4 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
There has been a COLOSSAL amount of comment in the press, and on the web and television, about this ridiculous story.
'Colossal' just means 'very large' or 'gigantic': none of the other Answers offered that sense of disproportion
5 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
While he is recovering, they have suggested we keep him on a LIGHT diet.
Each of these may, in the right circumstances, be a synonym for 'light'; but in this situation, the food needs to be plain and non-rich, so Answer 4 seems the nearest approximation to the sense intended
6 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
If you just drop that heavy serving-spoon in the water, it will SINK and soak.
'Sink' may be the place in the kitchen where this might happen, but 'sink' in the verbal sense (rather than as a noun) means 'to drop, fall or drown' ... for which Answer 4 may not be perfect, but it's a lot nearer the sense than the others
7 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
Police are preparing to COMB the park for clues to yesterday's crime.
Even with hair, combing is probably a more precise, detailed and painstaking process than brushing. The police will be looking in very close and careful detail for shoeprints, hair or anything else small but potentially important. If they 'sweep' or 'brush' the ground, vital fragments might be lost or moved beyond the point where they could offer useful evidence
8 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
Uncle Fred surely gets very BORED of sitting in committee meetings all day long.
Experiences which are 'boring' leave us feeling (among other things) tired, yet probably with a sense of frustration at time passed but wasted, and little if anything achieved.
The sound of 'board' is an irrelevance here ... even if the committee table is made of a wooden plank, and Uncle Fred feels correspondingly rigid from sitting up at it for hours at a stretch
9 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
The house has been noticeably calmer since Grandpa came HOME from hospital.
'Home' can often mean the other ideas, but here the point is that Grandpa is BACK among his family
10 .
Pick the Answer offering the closest meaning to the word in CAPITALS.
She is one of those people who WATCHES her favourite soap serial every day without fail, at the same time.
Of course, 'watch' (the timepiece on your wrist, probably) and 'watch' ( = 'see, concentrate on') are related words, some way back; but in this case, we are dealing with a verb rather than a noun. 'Sees' (Answer 2) would work, but it sounds a bit passive; 'follows' (Answer 4) at least carries the sense of the girl/woman keeping up actively and deliberately with the unfolding soap saga
Author:  Ian Miles

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