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Putting Words into Groups illustration | Key
How is 'key' related to 'island'?

Putting Words Into Groups 3

This is the third of our four quizzes on Putting Words into Groups. Finding the relationship between lists of words is something you may be asked to do in your 11+ Verbal Reasoning exam, so practising now (and making sure you understand what to do with these types of question) will reap rewards in the long run.

You may come across some words you are not familiar with. If this happens, do not be alarmed. Look at the words you do know and find out how they are related. Doing this might help you to rule out some potentially wrong answers, and so help you find the right one.

Also, finding words you do not yet know is a good thing – grab yourself a dictionary and look them up. This is a great way to increase your vocabulary which will improve your English.

Below are four groups of words. All of those in the same group are connected in some way. Once you have worked out what the connection is between the words in each group, decide which group the test word goes in to.

Group A: Asthma, Influenza, Tuberculosis
Group B: Spotty, Freckled, Greasy
Group C: Fig, Apple, Grape
Group D: Trio, Quartet, Single

Which group does CLEAR belong in?

The words in Group A are all illnesses. Group B contains words which refer to the state of someone's skin. The words in Group C are all fruits. Group D’s words describe the number of things.
Someone’s skin could be described as ‘clear’ so it belongs in Group B
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Group A: Pine, Yew, Holly
Group B: Comic, Card, Clown
Group C: Coat, Hair, Pelt
Group D: Annual, Biennial, Centennial

Which group does FUR belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group C is made up of words which mean the ‘fur’ of an animal, so it belongs in Group C. The word ‘fir’ would go into Group A, as that contains different evergreen trees
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Group A: Cattle, Sheep, Goat
Group B: Common, Park, Meadow
Group C: Gruff, Husky, Croaky
Group D: Lieutenant, Colonel, Major

Which group does HOARSE belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
All the words in Group C describe the voice of someone whose throat is sore, as does ‘hoarse’, so it belongs with them. The words in Group A are farm animals, so ‘horse’ would fit into Group A
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Group A: Island, Atoll, Key
Group B: Colon, Apostrophe, Comma
Group C: Altar, Pulpit, Font
Group D: Heart, Kidney, Pancreas

Which group does AISLE belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group C is made up of things you might find in a church. You would also find an ‘aisle’ in a church, so it belongs in Group C. Island, atoll and key are all synonyms of ‘isle’
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Group A: Rough, Harsh, Gritty
Group B: Hammer, Drill, Spanner
Group C: Circuit, Route, Track
Group D: Punch, Smack, Hit

Which group does SAW belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
All of the words in Group B are household tools, and a ‘saw’ is too, so it belongs with them
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Group A: Pine, Yew, Holly
Group B: Comic, Card, Clown
Group C: Coat, Hair, Pelt
Group D: Annual, Biennial, Centennial

Which group does MILLENNIAL belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
All of the words in Group D are periods of time between events: annual means ‘every year’, biennial means ‘once every two years’, and ‘centennial’ is ‘once every hundred years’. ‘Millennial’ means ‘happening once every thousand years’, so it belongs in Group D
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Group A: Fix, Mend, Repair
Group B: Pull, Haul, Lug
Group C: Ankle, Toe, Sole
Group D: Rope, Cord, Cable

Which group does TOW belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
You might have been tempted to say Group D, as you can ‘tow’ a car with a rope, cord or cable. However, ‘tow’ is a word which means the same as pull, haul or lug, so it belongs in Group B
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Group A: Cattle, Sheep, Goat
Group B: Common, Park, Meadow
Group C: Gruff, Husky, Croaky
Group D: Lieutenant, Colonel, Major

Which group does GENERAL belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Lieutenant (pronounced ‘left-tenant’), colonel and major are all officer ranks in the army, as is ‘general’, so it belongs in Group D. ‘General’ can also mean ‘common’, but not ‘park’ or ‘meadow’. The words in Group B all describe tracts of open land
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Group A: Fix, Mend, Repair
Group B: Pull, Haul, Lug
Group C: Ankle, Toe, Sole
Group D: Rope, Cord, Cable

Which group does HEAL belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
All the words in Group A describe restoring things which are broken or damaged. When we are injured, our recovery is called ‘healing’, so ‘heal’ belongs in Group A. The words in Group C are parts of the foot, so ‘heel’ would go in that group
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Group A: Rough, Harsh, Gritty
Group B: Hammer, Drill, Spanner
Group C: Circuit, Route, Track
Group D: Punch, Smack, Hit

Which group does COARSE belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
All of the words in Group A describe things which are not smooth, and so does ‘coarse’, so it belongs in Group A. The words in Group C describe a line of travel, so ‘course’ would go in there with them
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Group A: Island, Atoll, Key
Group B: Colon, Apostrophe, Comma
Group C: Altar, Pulpit, Font
Group D: Heart, Kidney, Pancreas

Which group does INTESTINE belong in?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
You might have been tempted to go for Group B, as the ‘colon’ is another name for the large intestine. However, the ‘intestine’ is an internal organ, so it belongs in Group D with the others. Of course, Group B is made up of punctuation marks
Author:  Stephen O'Hara and Ian Miles

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