Question 10 has something we need to build sand castles!
These 11-plus verbal reasoning move a letter quizzes will test your vocabulary, so the more you practise, the more you will improve.
In each question one letter from the word on the left can be moved to the word on the right, to make TWO new words. The letters must not be rearranged. Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
Do you like anagrams? How about cryptic crosswords? If so, you're bound to be a whizz at these types of quizzes! Just like people who play around with numbers tend to be good at maths, people who play around with letters tend to be good at word puzzles.
If you are completing these quizzes in order, you will now know what a pith helmet is! I wonder what is to be learned from Move a Letter quiz number 2? An example has been done to help you.