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Making words from larger words quiz illustration | Labyrinth
Can you make the name of a country from the letters in 'labyrinth'?

Making Words from Larger Words 2

Welcome to the second of our Making Words from Larger Words quizzes. If you have already tried the first, then you will know that this will be a test of your vocabulary, as well as seeing how good you are at solving anagrams.

To give you an idea of what you have to do in the quiz (and in your 11+ Verbal Reasoning exam), we’ve given you an example before the questions begin. If you come across any words you do not know, just look them up in a dictionary to see what they mean.

Hopefully, you will learn some new words when you play these quizzes. A strong vocabulary is essential if you want to do well in school. It will improve your English no end, and also help you to communicate clearly. And now, on with the quiz. Good luck!

From the word IMPORTANCE, form new words having the following meanings (the number of letters in the words is given by the number of dashes, so you do not have to use all the letters):

Tighten: _ _ _ _ _
Two parts of the eye: _ _ _ _ _ _ AND _ _ _ _ _ _
A form of transport: _ _ _ _ _
Writer of verse: _ _ _ _
Close: _ _ _ _

'Cramp' can be made, and it is a five-letter word meaning ‘tighten’.
Both ‘cornea’ and ‘retina’ are parts of the eye that can be made from the letters.
The form of transport is 'train' (not 'car' as there are five letters in the answer, rather than three).
A writer of verse is a 'poet', and the required letters are all there.
The word meaning ‘close’ (rhymes with ‘dose’, not ‘rose’) is 'near'.
1 .
Using the letters from the word JABBERING, make a 4-letter word meaning ‘a cause of stress or annoyance’.
All of the options can be formed from the given letters, but there is no such word as ‘jarg’. Whilst ‘rage’ may be felt when annoyed, it actually means ‘anger’. A ‘bang’ might cause you stress or annoyance, but that is not its meaning. The answer is ‘bane’, as in the phrase ‘cold callers are the bane of my life’
2 .
Using the letters from the word DANDELION, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘silly’.
All of the four options are genuine words you can make from the letters in ‘dandelion’. The only one which means ‘silly’ is ‘inane’. ‘Addle’ means ’confuse’ and ‘alien’ means ‘strange’, so both have similar meanings to ‘silly’, but are slightly different
3 .
Using the letters from the word MYTHOLOGY, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘partial darkness’.
There is no such word as ‘molty’. ‘Gothic’ cannot be formed from the letters, is 6-letters long and does not match the definition. ‘Murky’ does mean ‘partially dark’, but it cannot be formed either. The answer is ‘gloom’
4 .
Using the letters from the word SAGITTARIUS, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘an Indian musical instrument’.
All of the options are genuine 5-letter words which can be made from the given letters, but only one of them is a musical instrument from India. The ‘sitar’ is a string instrument with a long neck, similar to a lute. ‘Sutra’ is also an Indian word and it means ‘a piece of Buddhist or Jainist scripture’
5 .
Using the letters from the word LABORATORY, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘swell up’.
‘Booty and ‘bloot’ can be made from the letters, but ‘booty’ does not mean ‘swell up’ and ‘bloot’ is not a genuine word. ‘Balloon’ means ‘swell up’, but that word cannot be formed from the letters. The answer is ‘bloat’
6 .
Using the letters from the word LABYRINTH, make a 5-letter word which is a country.
There are in fact three countries which you can make from the letters in ‘labyrinth’: ‘Italy’, ‘Iran’ and ‘Libya’. You’ll notice that ‘Libya’ is spelt with a ‘Y’, rather than an ’I’, so if you chose ‘Libia’ you would have been wrong. ‘Iran’ is 4-letters long and we were looking for a 5-letter country
7 .
Using the letters from the word HISTORICAL, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘map’.
‘Atlas’ means ‘map’, but it uses two of the letter ‘A’ when only one is available. ‘Cairo’ is a city in Egypt, which you might find on a map, but it doesn’t mean ‘map’. ‘Trail’ is a valid word, but it does not mean ‘map’. The correct answer is ‘chart’
8 .
Using the letters from the word WORSHIPPING, make a 6-letter word meaning ‘beginning’.
All four options are genuine 6-letter words. Only ‘origin’ matches the definition though. ‘Rising’ could mean ‘growing’, which is close to, but not the same as ‘beginning’. ‘Sowing’, which means ‘planting’, is another word with a very similar meaning, but it was not on the list of options
9 .
Using the letters from the word PREFABRICATE, make a 5-letter word meaning ‘build’.
‘Raise’ could mean ‘build’, but it cannot be formed from the given letters. The other three options can be made: a ‘facia’ is part of a building, but does not mean ‘build’ so that is wrong; and ‘fibres’ are used to make things, but ‘fibre’ does not mean ‘build’, so that is wrong too. The correct answer is ‘erect’. ‘Craft’ also means ‘build’ and can be made from the letters, but that was not one of the options
10 .
Using the letters from the word CABINETMAKER, make a 7-letter word meaning ‘clothing’.
All four options are genuine 7-letter words that can be made from the given letters, however, only one of them means ‘clothing’. The answer is ‘raiment’, which is an old-fashioned word for ‘clothing’
Author:  Stephen O'Hara and Ian Miles

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