An alien is also known as an ET, which stands for Extra-Terrestrial.
What comes next in the series of letters? That's for you to work out!
In these 11-Plus verbal reasoning quizzes you will be given a sequence of letters and you have to find the next group in the series. There will always be two letters in the pattern, and always five sets of two letters in the question. You must find the sixth.
Don't worry if you look at the quiz and think huh? Each question has a helpful comment that appears once you've made your choice. This explains how the answer is arrived at and will help you understand how to do these types of puzzles.
Did you enjoy the little puzzle I set in question 7 last time? Maybe you are not doing these in order and would like an extra little puzzle in this quiz. Read the answers carefully to find a hidden question. Enjoy Letter Series quiz number 2.