TA stands for Territorial Army.
Letter connections involve being able to count backwards, so get your Maths hat on and give these a go! In these 11-plus verbal reasoning quizzes you will be given three pairs of letters. You have to find the relationship between the first two pairs to work out the fourth pair. The first letters of both pairs are related, and the second letters of both pairs are related. No other relationship will be in the question.
The alphabet has been around for a very long time, and the Greeks were the first people to use an alphabet. Ours is based on theirs, where the first letter was Alpha, and the last was Omega. Today these words mean the beginning and the end.
Get your thinking cap on and give this quiz your best shot. Make sure you get all answers correct before moving on to our final quiz in the series.
'KO' was one of the original letters in the question. Do you know what sport uses KO as an abbreviation, and what it means? Read below to find out