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Hidden Word 1

Lemonade always makes me hiccup!

Hidden Word 1

Quiz to Find Other Words in Sentences

To find the hidden words, you'll need to look inside sentences.

In each of the following sentences a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words will always be next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

It sounds easy but you can expect a few difficult questions as you work your way through the series. This 11-plus verbal reasoning quiz is our first and is therefore the one that you should get 10 out of 10 in on your first try. If not, play it again until you have a good grasp of what is required before moving onto the next quiz.

Enjoy Hidden Word quiz number 1. See below as an example has been done to help you.

Example: The dog was frightened by the noise.

The dog

dog was

was frightened

the noise

Answer: then (the noise)
The word 'then' is hidden in the noise
1 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

He loved to make epigrams.
loved to
to make
He loved
make epigrams
make epigrams is the correct answer because keep is hidden between make and epigram. An epigram is an interesting, and usually witty, expression
2 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

Christmas time brings joy for everyone.
Christmas time
time brings
joy for
brings joy
Christmas time is the correct answer because mast is hidden between Christmas and time
3 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

During the football you were lucky to score.
During the
football you
were lucky
to score
football you is the correct answer because ally is hidden between football and you. An ally is another word for a friend or for someone who helps you. Countries often have allies
4 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

Squirrels are adept at climbing trees.
are adept
adept at
at climbing
climbing trees
are adept is the correct answer because both area and read are hidden between are and adept. Adept is a word which means highly skilled. Are you highly skilled at these quizzes yet?
5 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

School usually finishes for the week on a Friday.
School usually
usually finishes
for the
finishes for
for the is the correct answer because fort is hidden between for and the. I bet you're glad when it's Friday!
6 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

Playing games is more fun than doing homework!
Playing games
than doing
doing homework
fun than
than doing is the correct answer because hand is hidden between than and doing
7 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

I can watch my favourite film time and time again.
favourite film
time again
can watch
time and
time and is the correct answer because mean is hidden between time and and
8 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

Lemonade always makes me hiccup.
always makes
Lemonade always
me hiccup
makes me
Lemonade always is the correct answer because deal is hidden between Lemonade and always
9 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

My father drinks too much coffee.
My father
drinks too
father drinks
much coffee
father drinks is the correct answer because herd is hidden between father and drinks
10 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

I need ice cold drinks on a hot day.
cold drinks
hot day
need ice
I need
need ice is the correct answer because dice is hidden between need and ice
Author:  Stephen O'Hara

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