This is the last of our 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning quizzes on Matrices. In the previous 7, we looked at 2 x 2 grids, which contain 4 squares overall. In this one, we look at grids which measure 3 by 3, so have a total of 9 squares.
The key to answering these questions is to look, firstly, at the columns and rows. Usually you will find that they all contain a certain number of symbols, which may differ in colour or the direction they are pointing. This is very similar to sudoku puzzles, but with shapes rather than numbers.
Another tip is to look at patterns of rotation which can be seen if you read each square in the grid from top-left, to bottom-right, just as you would read the words written on a page.
Before you start, have a look at the example question we’ve answered for you. That should help make things clearer! Good luck.