Confused? Keep looking to break the codes!
In order to conceal a message, code can be used. If you don't know how the code works then you can't understand what the message says. But codes can be broken.
The figures in the boxes on the left hand side of the page have been given letter codes that describe certain aspects of their appearance. Using this information you can find the code for the shape in the box on the right. There is a detailed explanation of how they work in the example question and answer, so just work out the codes of two figures which have something in common first, and then the rest will fall into place.
The Star Trek character, Mr. Spock, was famous for his logic. Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played him, said, "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end" so be as logical as you can, but also wise enough to enjoy playing our third 11-Plus Non-Verbal Reasoning 'Code Breaker' quiz.