Use your detective skills in this quiz!
An analogy is when we find comparisons in two or more things, based on a relationship they share. So, for example, solid is to liquid as sour is to sweet, because the relationship is based on the fact that they are opposites.
Hurray! You have reached the second to last quiz in the Analogies series of our 11-Plus Non-Verbal Reasoning section. You will always get great satisfaction from completing something really difficult. American car racing champion Dale Earnhardt said, "Finishing races is important, but racing is more important." Keep that in mind when you are answering the last two sets of Analogies questions.
Make sure that you read all of the questions carefully. There is an example given before the quiz which you can refer to to help make things that little bit easier.
Take your time but, most importantly, enjoy Analogies Quiz number 7.