There are plenty of smiles in this quiz!
An analogy is a parity between things, based on a relationship they share. So, for example, right is to wrong as open is to closed, because the relationship is based on the fact that they are opposites.
After you've finished this quiz you will only have two more 11-Plus Non-Verbal Reasoning Analogies ones to complete. The last three quizzes in the set should be easy for you now. Keep paying attention and look out for a few surprises!
Should you get stuck, remember the advice given by martial arts master Bruce Lee, when he warned, "If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done." Sometimes we look too long at a problem instead of going with our instincts. If you get stuck on one question, leave it alone for a while and come back to it later.
With that in mind - we hope you enjoy Analogies quiz number 6!