Rounding numbers is usually to the nearest ten or hundred. You should now be pretty good at rounding. Just to remind you: when you round a number, you write it as an approximation of the original number: numbers can be rounded upwards and downwards. For example, 227 rounded to the nearest ten is 230 because 27 is closer to 30 than to 20. If you round 227 to the nearest hundred, it becomes 200 because 227 is nearer to 200 than to 300. All is well until someone asks you to round a number like 325 to the nearest ten: 25 is equidistant (the same distance) from 20 and 30. What do you do in such cases? You follow this RULE: If the number that you use to decide whether to round upwards or downwards (let's call it the deciding number) is halfway or closer to the number to which you have to round to, round upwards BUT if it is less than halfway to the number to which you have to round to, round downwards.
Okay! Don't go round the bend - just round the numbers in this 11-plus Maths quiz!