Percentages are proportions of numbers. In this second section of quizzes on percentages, you'll get some practice in expressing one number as a percentage of another number. Suppose you were asked: 'What percentage of 50 is 20?' How would you do it? This is how you would do it: 20⁄50 × 100% = (20 × 100) ÷ 50 = 40%.
Percentages are an important part of Maths and they crop up in everyday life all the time. You may have heard a relative talk about a 5 or 10% deposit on a house, or perhaps interest on a bank loan. It's a good idea to really learn about percentages now, because as you progress through school you'll be asked to do harder and harder calculations involving percentages. They are all around us - and they won't go away!
See if you can get 100% in this 11-plus Maths quiz! As always, take your time, read the question and four answers carefully before making your choice.