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A red, 3-dimensional bar chart.
Graphs are a useful tool when handling data.

Handling Data 2 (Easy)

Welcome to the second of our easy Eleven Plus maths quizzes on data handling. ‘What is data handling?’ you ask. Well, put simply, it is using graphs, diagrams, tables, tallies and other similar means to make information you have gathered easy for others to understand or interpret.

That’s a lot to take in, but with practice you’ll soon be a dab hand at data handling! Have a go at this quiz and make sure you understand every point made, before you move on to our difficult set of quizzes for more of a challenge.

Make sure that you read each question thoroughly – and that you understand it – before selecting your answer. It’s often the case that pupils who know the answer, get the question wrong because they didn’t read it properly.

So pull up a pew, make yourself comfortable, and try this quiz. Let’s see if you can handle data handling!

1 .
Which one of the following would be the best way to record or gather information?
A pie chart
A tally
A bar chart
A pictogram
The important words here are 'record' and 'gather'. They mean getting the information in the first place. Tallies are good for this. The other options would be ways you could represent the data - after you have gathered it!
2 .
What is meant by the phrase ‘data handling’?
Conducting a survey or poll
Collecting data
Organising data to make sense of it
Making graphs or charts
Data handling is an important part of maths and science. It’s used to analyse information and to look for patterns. Of course, to make sense of data it’s best to organise it first
3 .
120 people were asked which football team they support. 20 said they supported no team. What fraction of a pie chart would be taken up by those that didn't support a team?
Simplify the fraction 20?120 by dividing the denominator (bottom number) and the numerator (top number) by the same number, in this case 20, to get 1?6
4 .
In a poll of 1,000 people, 750 said that they preferred dogs to cats. How would this information be shown on a pie chart?
14 would be used by the dog lovers; 34 would be used by the cat lovers
23 would be used by the dog lovers; 13 would be used by the cat lovers
34 would be used by the dog lovers; 14 would be used by the cat lovers
13 would be used by the dog lovers; 23 would be used by the cat lovers
750 is three-quarters of 1,000, so 3?4 would be used by the dog lovers. The remaining quarter would be used by the cat lovers
5 .
If you wanted to find out the number of vehicles which drive past your school every day, which of the following methods would be the best?
Conduct a survey asking how many cars people own
Watch for an hour and mark on a tally when a vehicle goes past
Count all the vehicles in the school car park
Draw a graph showing the different types of vehicle you have seen
Watching and recording the number of vehicles you see would be the best option. Of course, this would not give an accurate picture, as the number of vehicles will vary depending on the time of day. However, none of the other options will give you the information you need
6 .
What is the purpose of a bar chart?
To make comparing different values easier
To make information more interesting
To show information in an entertaining way
To show information in a visually striking way
When numbers are close in value, bar charts make it easier than pie charts to compare them. Imagine seeing 32%, 33% and 35% on both types of chart and you'll see what I mean
7 .
In a bar chart, do the bars go up vertically, or across horizontally?
Across horizontally
Up vertically
You are probably more used to seeing bars going up vertically, but bars can (and do) go across horizontally in some bar charts
8 .
Which of the following would be the best title for a chart showing different people's favourite films?
Most popular films
Best films
Best movies
'Films' doesn't tell us much about what's in the chart. 'Best films' and 'Best movies' are not what the chart is looking at - the best films might not be the most popular ones!
9 .
In a pictogram showing the number of pets children in a class have, 1 rabbit = 10 rabbits. If there are 2 12 rabbits on the pictogram, how many rabbits are owned by the class?
1 12
2 12
2 1?2 x 10 = 2.5 x 10 = 25
10 .
Which of the following is not a part of data handling?
Collecting information
Organising information
Representing information
Inside information
First collect your data (in a tally or survey for example), then organise it (in a table perhaps) before representing it in the best way (a graph or a chart maybe). Inside information is information you may have that has not been made public
Author:  Frank Evans

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