Welcome to this, the second of our medium level quizzes on fractions. In it we shall recap what we have learnt about denominators, numerators, mixed and improper fractions. These are all important parts of Eleven Plus maths, so you need to understand them before you take your exams.
Fractions, as you know, are a way of representing parts of numbers. They do exactly the same job as decimal numbers, but in a very different way! For example, one-half as a decimal is 0.5, but as a fraction it’s written 1⁄2. That simply means the top number (1) ÷ the bottom number (2).
Just to make sure you know, the top number in a fraction is the NUMERATOR and the bottom number is the DENOMINATOR. Denominators (the 2 in 1⁄2) tell us how many pieces to cut a whole into, while numerators tell us how many of these pieces we get.
I’m sure by now that you are a whizz with fractions. So, have a go at this quiz and see if you can get 10⁄10 of the questions right!