Decimal numbers have a dot or point. This is the first 11-plus Maths quiz on decimal numbers: these are numbers that are not whole numbers, e.g. '5' is a whole number BUT '5.5' is not a whole number: 5.5 = 5 + 0.5. The '.' (dot) is called the decimal point and the numbers to the right of the decimal point (dp) form the decimal part of the number. Here's a handy tip:
To get a feel for decimal numbers, play these ten questions and see how you do before moving onto the next one.
The first number to the right of the dp is in the tenths place position, e.g. 5 in 3.5
The second number to the right of the dp is in the hundredths place position, e.g. 4 in 3.54
The third number to the right of the dp is in the thousandths place position, e.g. 7 in 3.547