Decimal numbers are the basis of metric measurements. They make calculations so much easier when converting from centimetres to metres, or from kilograms to grams for example. That’s because larger metric units are divided into tens, hundreds or thousands of smaller ones.
This series of quizzes is a little more difficult than those before it. However, by now you should have a very good grasp of decimal numbers, so you’ll be more than capable of answering these questions. If you are in any doubt, then go back and revisit our easier 11+ maths quizzes to get more practice.
Most of the questions you’ll find here concentrate on converting one measurement into another – something you’ll be called on to do often in real life. So, the more you familiarise yourself with doing it, the better placed you’ll be.
Take your time and read the helpful comments after each question. But, most of all, enjoy!
Next, convert m to cm by multiplying by 100. So, 21,630 x 100 = 2,163,000