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Year 2 Time - Telling the Time to the Quarter Hour
This man wants to know what time it is. Can you tell him?

Year 2 Time - Telling the Time to the Quarter Hour

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 6 and 7 in year 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with telling the time and being able to write the time to the hour, half past the hour and quarter past/to the hour.

Once children have mastered telling the time to the hour and half past the hour, they begin to recognise quarter past and quarter to the hour as well. When telling the time they learn to understand the position of the minute hand particularly, but may also understand that the hour hand also has a slightly different position depending on the time.

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Question 1
Where would the hands go to show a time of quarter to 9?
Minute hand: 12
Hour hand: 3
Minute hand: 9
Hour hand: just before 12
Minute hand: 9
Hour hand: just after 3
Minute hand: 9
Hour hand: almost at 9
The two hands would be very close to each other
Question 2
What time is it?
6 minutes to 5
5 o'clock
Half past 6
Half past 5
When the minute hand is pointing straight down, it's half past the hour
Question 3
What time does the clock show?
12 o'clock
6 o'clock
4 o'clock
8 o'clock
The minute hand is pointing straight up so it's 'o'clock' and the hour hand is pointing at the 6
Question 4
This clock shows just a little after...
12 minutes to 9
9 minutes to 12
Quarter to 9
Quarter to 12
The minute hand has a quarter of the clock left before it reaches the 12, so it's quarter to
Question 5
Where would the hands need to go on this clock to show quarter past 4?
Minute hand: 9
Hour hand: 4
Minute hand: 2
Hour hand: just before 4
Minute hand: 4
Hour hand: 3
Minute hand: 3
Hour hand: slightly after 4
The minute hand would be a quarter of the way around the clock. The hour hand would be very slightly after the 4
Question 6
What time is shown here?
3 minutes to 9
Quarter past 9
Quarter past 3
Half past 9
The minute hand is a quarter of the way around the clock face
Question 7
Where would the hands need to go on this clock to show quarter to 7?
Minute hand: 7
Hour hand: 3
Minute hand: 9
Hour hand: nearly at 3
Minute hand: 9
Hour hand: nearly at 7
Minute hand: 3
Hour hand: just past 7
The minute hand would be pointing straight to the 9 and the hour hand would almost be at 7, but not quite
Question 8
What time is it here?
Quarter to 3
Quarter past 10
Quarter past 3
3 minutes past 10
Another way of saying this time would be 10.15
Question 9
What time is shown on this clock face?
Quarter past 8
Quarter past 3
3 minutes past 8
8 minutes to 3
When it is quarter past, the longer minute hand points to the number 3
Question 10
This clock shows just a little after...
2 minutes to 3
Three minutes past 2
Quarter to 3
Quarter past 2
Even though there are no numbers on this clock, the minute hand has moved a quarter of the way around so it's quarter past
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Quarter past and quarter to

Author:  Angela Smith

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