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Mammals - British Mammals 1
Which British mammal is this?

Mammals - British Mammals 1

There are over 60 species of mammal in Britain. They live on the ground, in the sea and in the air. Bats are the world's only flying mammals that are capable of generating their own lift. There are some flying squirrels, but they only glide between treetops. We are privileged in that there are 17 different species of bat in Great Britain. The Pipistrelle bat weighs the equivalent of a 2p piece!

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1 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Rob Bendall
Fallow Deer
Sika Deer
Roe Deer
Water Deer
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Cervidae
  • Genus: Dama
  • Species: D. dama
  • The male is approximately twice the weight of the female.
  • Lifespan an average of around 10 years.
  • Habitat is dense woodland and parkland.
  • When disturbed, they will jump about with all four legs held stiffly before taking cover.
2 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Hannes Grobe
Water Shrew
Black Rat
Brown Rat
  • Order: Soricomorpha
  • Family: Talpidae
  • Genus: Talpa
  • Species: T. europaea
  • Spend most of their lives underground, however they are not blind.
  • Can make a mess of fields and gardens with their 'hills'.
  • They are found throughout Britain but not in Ireland.
  • Both males and females are solitary except in the breeding season.
3 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of waferboard
Grey squirrel
Red squirrel
Harvest Mouse
Hazel Dormouse
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Sciuridae
  • Genus: Sciurus
  • Species: S. carolinensis
  • Widespread and common throughout the UK.
  • A frequent visitor to gardens if peanuts are available.
  • Their nests are called 'dreys'.
  • They store nuts underground in autumn to last them through the winter.
4 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Hrald
Water Shrew
Field Vole
  • Order: Erinaceomorpha
  • Family: Erinaceidae
  • Genus: Erinaceus
  • Species: E. europaeus
  • The only spiny British mammal.
  • Common in parks, gardens and farmland.
  • Rolls into a ball when disturbed or threatened.
  • Hibernates throughout the winter months.
5 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of me'nthedogs'
Dartmoor Pony
Exmoor Pony
Shetland Pony
Shire Horse
  • A rare breed with less than 1,000 worldwide.
  • Located in the south west of Britain.
  • Has inhabited the moorland since ancient times.
  • It is the oldest British pony.
  • Eats moor grasses, rushes, heather and gorse.
  • They are 'endangered' on the Rare Breeds Survival Trust list.
  • An alert, intelligent and kind creature.
6 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of
Pine Marten
European Polecat
Least Weasel
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Mustelidae
  • Genus: Mustela
  • Species: M. putorius
  • Have a preference for lowland areas.
  • Their dens include rabbit burrows, farmyard hay bales, sheds and even rubbish tips!
  • Have scent glands that produce a pungent scent.
  • Are able to spray the scent backwards by doing a 'hand-stand'.
7 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Takkk
European Rabbit
European Hare
Mountain Hare
Wild Boar
  • Order: Lagomorpha
  • Family: Leporidae
  • Genus: Lepus
  • Species: L. europaeus
  • Does not burrow and lives in exposed habitats.
  • Can run at up to speeds of 70 kph (45 mph) to escape predators.
  • More often than not, this is a solitary animal.
  • Can be seen 'boxing' in the early Spring months.
8 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Sven Začek
Eurasian beaver
European Otter
Eurasian Badger
Bank Vole
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Castoridae
  • Genus: Castor
  • Species: C. fiber
  • Became extinct in the UK in the 1500s.
  • Recently been reintroduced in England at Ham Fen in Kent.
  • A nocturnal animal that spends most of its time in the water.
  • Native Americans called them 'little people' because they look human when standing to feed and groom.
9 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Fastily
Common Vole
Common Seal
Hooded Seal
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Phocidae
  • Genus: Phoca
  • Species: P. vitulina
  • Feed at sea but regularly rest on rocky shores or sandbanks.
  • Can reach depths of 50 metres underwater and can stay under for up to 10 minutes.
  • Pups can swim and dive when only a few hours old.
10 .
What is the name of this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of
Common Pipistrelle
Northern Bat
Whiskered Bat
Brown Long-eared Bat
  • Order: Chiroptera
  • Family: Vespertilionidae
  • Genus: Pipistrellus
  • Species: P. pipistrellus
  • The smallest bat found in the UK.
  • Has a visibly fast and jerky flight pattern.
  • Found in most habitats including urban areas.
  • Can consume approximately 3,000 insects in a single night.
Author:  Sarah Garratty

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