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British Birds - Falcons, Owls and Swifts
With a heart-shaped face, this bird is distinctive and much-loved.

British Birds - Falcons, Owls and Swifts

Peregrine falcons have been recorded diving at speeds of 200 miles per hour (320 km/h), making them the fastest-moving creatures on Earth. Though owls are typically solitary, the literary collective noun for a group of owls is a parliament. The family scientific name for swifts (Apodidae) means 'without feet', since they have very short legs and never settle voluntarily on the ground, perching instead on vertical surfaces.

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1 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of
Snowy Owl
Peregrine Falcon
Little Owl
  • Group: Falcons
  • Binomial: Falco peregrinus
  • Order: Falconiformes
  • Family: Falconidae
  • Status: Resident Breeding Species
  • The courtship flight includes a mix of aerial acrobatics, precise spirals and steep dives.
  • The male passes prey to the female in mid-air. She flies upside-down to receive the food from his talons.
2 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Floyd Davidson
Barn Owl
Common Swift
Tawny Owl
Snowy Owl
  • Group: Typical Owls
  • Binomial: Bubo scandiacus
  • Order: Strigiformes
  • Family: Strigidae
  • Status: Rare Vagrant
  • These birds breed on the Arctic tundra.
  • Parents are territorial and will defend their nests against all comers.
  • Is a patient hunter that perches and waits to identify its prey before soaring off in pursuit.
3 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Tom Tarrant (Aviceda)
(Eurasian) Hobby
Common Swift
Tawny Owl
Little Owl
  • Group: Falcons
  • Binomial: Falco subbuteo
  • Order: Falconiformes
  • Family: Falconidae
  • Status: Breeding Summer Visitor
  • They nest in old nests of crows and other birds. The tree selected is most often one in a hedge or on the extreme edge of a spinney.
  • It is a very bold and courageous bird and was used in falconry.
4 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Bohus Cicel
Snowy Owl
(Eurasian) Hobby
Tawny Owl
Short-eared Owl
  • Group: Typical Owls
  • Binomial: Strix aluco
  • Order: Strigiformes
  • Family: Strigidae
  • Status: Resident Breeding Species
  • The asymmetrically placed ears are key to its hunting because they give the bird excellent directional hearing.
  • Its nocturnal habits and eerie, easily imitated call, have led to a mythical association with bad luck and death.
5 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Arturo Nikolai
Little Owl
Snowy Owl
(Eurasian) Hobby
  • Group: Typical Owls
  • Binomial: Athene noctua
  • Order: Strigiformes
  • Family: Strigidae
  • Status: Resident Introduced Population
  • It will bob its head up and down when alarmed.
  • If living in an area with a large amount of human activity, they may grow used to man and will remain on their perch, often in full view of humans.
6 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Raj Boora
Snowy Owl
Common Kestrel
Short-eared Owl
  • Group: Falcons
  • Binomial: Falco columbarius
  • Order: Falconiformes
  • Family: Falconidae
  • Status: Resident Breeding Species
  • They rely on speed and agility to hunt their prey.
  • Often hunt by flying fast and low, typically less than 1 metre above the ground, using trees and large shrubs to take prey by surprise.
7 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Steve Garvie
Common Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Snowy Owl
Short-eared Owl
  • Group: Typical Owls
  • Binomial: Asio flammeus
  • Order: Strigiformes
  • Family: Strigidae
  • Status: Resident Breeding Species Or Winter Visitor
  • They are commonly seen hunting during the day.
  • It is known to lure predators away from its nest by appearing to have a crippled wing.
8 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Peter Trimming
Tawny Owl
Short-eared Owl
Barn Owl
Common Swift
  • Group: Barn Owls
  • Binomial: Tyto alba
  • Order: Strigiformes
  • Family: Tytonidae
  • Status: Resident Breeding Species
  • With a heart-shaped face, this bird is distinctive and much-loved.
  • Studies have shown that an individual may eat one or more rodents per night; a nesting pair and their young can eat more than 1,000 rodents per year.
9 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of Pau Artigas
Peregrine Falcon
Common Swift
Tawny Owl
Barn Owl
  • Group: Swifts
  • Binomial: Apus apus
  • Order: Apodiformes
  • Family: Apodidae
  • Status: Breeding Summer Visitor
  • This species spend most of their lives in the air, living on the insects they catch in their beaks. They drink, feed and often mate and sleep on the wing.
  • They form 'screaming parties' during summer evenings.
10 .
What is the name of this bird?
Photograph courtesy of
Common Swift
Little Owl
Peregrine Falcon
Common Kestrel
  • Group: Falcons
  • Binomial: Falco tinnunculus
  • Order: Falconiformes
  • Family: Falconidae
  • Status: Resident Breeding Species
  • Have adapted readily to man-made environments and can survive right in the centre of cities.
  • It is sometimes seen, like other birds of prey, as a symbol of the power and vitality of nature.
Author:  Sarah Garratty

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